Rockart Art | British Museum

Virtual Reality App / 2016

Project Details

Using digital imagery from the African Rock Art Image Project at the British Museum, this interactive mobile app uses VR technology optimized for Google Cardboard headsets to allow you to explore the famous rock art site of Game Pass Shelter in South Africa via an immersive 360° tour with embedded 3D models.

My Role

The British Museum wanted to create a virtual reality app that would allow users to experience 'Rock Art' found in Africa in its real environment, as an addition to the Rock Art exhibition currently showcased in the British Museum.

My challenge was to create an app for VR that could easily be used by people unfamiliar with VR. This meant simplicity and user-centered approach.

From user journeys and design to user testing. I lead the UI + UX of the project from inception to production.


Awards / Nominations
The web version
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