Tottenham Hotspurs Football Club

Suite of Apps / 2016-2017

Project Details

During the contruction of their new stadium, the THFC commissioned a the SPVRS project - an immersive reality suite that would allow users to experience their future stadium, down to the most specific details.

Alongside the Spurs Immersive reality suite, would be a suite of apps dedicated to showcasing and selling suites and seats in the new THFC stadium. A publicly available app would feature a AR app that would allow users to see a 3d model of the stadium, as well as, future boxes and suites through their mobile devices. A second app centers around a large tracker image present in the stadium which would allow users to see a 3d model of the stadium, these are viewed.

My Role

With all three apps and the virtual reality experience, I was tasked with creating a user experience and interfaces that would allow the user to flow through the Spurs Virtual Suite seamlessly.



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